14 December 2009

A Unique Marketing Vehicle

Yesterday I was on an el train in Chicago, headed home a bit cranky after some unsuccessful Christmas shopping. Suddenly, across the tracks at the Belmont stop, what to my wondering eyes should appear but a special train decorated with colorful lights and holiday greetings? And that’s not all. Between two passengers cars, on a flatbed, was Santa and his reindeer! Cheerful seasonal music could be heard emanating from the train. What really surprised me was my reaction. I’m 54 years old, but I reacted like a kid. Whipping out my cell phone, I called my husband to excitedly describe what I had seen. He said, “How cool! You saw the Holiday El Train.” Here’s the deal – each year, the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) decorates one train for the holidays and runs it on various regular routes. They post the schedule on their web site. Santa is a CTA employee who volunteers his time. Cost to the city is minimal. What is the benefit? Look at it from a marketing and communications standpoint. As a marketing vehicle (pardon the pun) – it must appeal those visiting Chicago. Imagine if you just arrived at O’Hare Airport and this is the train that took you into the city. Your fellow passengers are in a good mood, and in addition to an efficient means of transport you have a memorable experience that puts a smile on your face. You probably tell others about it as well. Chicago residents enjoy the Holiday Train too. Surprised commuters get a wave from Santa as his sleigh goes by. Children ride public transportation too, and this does not fail to delight thousands of youngsters every day. From a communications perspective, the CTA maintains that it’s a morale booster for their employees. The train is decorated by volunteers, and staff vies for working on that particular train. What a lift they must get from rider’s reactions! After my personal sighting, I searched the internet for information, and got 58,400 hits. YouTube had 57 videos. Google images yielded over 21,000 photos. If you could calculate the number of impressions (mostly very positive) generated by the CTA through the Holiday Train, it would be - well - impressive. Grinches will argue the details and the PC-ness of this Chicago tradition. But it’s hard to deny its brilliance as a marketing/communications initiative. Besides, it’s just fun.


  1. Oh to heck with being PC! I think it's a wonderful gesture, one that has its origins in being kind and hopeful.

  2. No question doing this brightens many days - not the least of which is the CTA's own employees. Good move, PC or not.


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