03 August 2009

Regroup, Refuel, Recharge

The curse of having a passion for work is that sometimes we OVERwork ourselves, get run down and become less effective or inconsistent. We have to be smart about marshalling our physical resources for the long haul, which could be a single busy day or a project of weeks, months or even years. When there is a goal to reach and the work is exciting and stimulating, we may just want buckle down, kick butt, get results, and reap the reward. But in order to be truly successful, more attention must be paid to nurturing our energy for maximum performance. When possessed by a challenge do you sometimes skip a meal, forgo your normal workout, postpone going to the restroom, or work late into the night? If so, you may have trouble with insomnia, fatigue, nervous anxiety, and exhaustion. Taking care of yourself has to come first – even if you want to give your all to your career. Demanding positions may require you to work long hours and meet pressing deadlines. But there are basic things you should do to mitigate the effect of stress on your body and mind – steps you can take to ensure you stay effective: · Take a brief break every 90 to 120 minutes to refresh your focus. · Eat regular meals and healthy snacks in between. Food is fuel and you need it for energy. · Drink lots of water to avoid the ill effects of insidious dehydration. · Make time for exercise. Studies show a link between fitness and productivity/performance. · Get enough sleep (7 to 8 hours) on a regular basis. You are pushing yourself too hard when problems seem overwhelming, ideas elusive, and decisions impossible to make. Take steps to regroup, refuel, and recharge. This is not selfish – it’s just smart. For more information and inspiration, I recommend reading The Power of Full Engagement, by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz.

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