11 April 2011

Dear Mr Trump

Every time I turn around, I see Donald Trump - on NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, various talk shows, commercials, and products.  In Wikipedia, he is defined as an "American business magnate, socialite, author, and television personality".  Some think he should be our next President.  Well, I have a few constructive suggestions for "The Donald".

Dear Mr Trump,

I watch your show, Celebrity Apprentice, with guilty pleasure. It’s interesting to hear the weekly challenges, wear my business hat to consider how I would approach them, and watch the celebrities compete to varying degrees of success. But the show would be more enjoyable, and even educational, with less petty drama and more insight into innovative business practices. It’s disheartening to watch your contestants fight, whine, backstab, and finagle their way to avoid being fired. You have completely ignored an opportunity to inspire people to be successful in business, and predictably sell out instead.  Thank you for raising money for charities; but the show isn’t as much about that worthwhile goal as it is focused on lucrative product placement and low-brow amusement. I suppose it works for you and the network, and is very popular, but it does not stir my admiration.

You have publicly stated on numerous occasions that “Trump” is the greatest brand in the world. Just saying it does not make it true. You dilute the power of your brand by putting it on everything from offices, condos and hotels to menswear, lighting fixtures to fragrances, vodka to steaks, bottled water to furniture, and golf courses to a university. Overexposure and over-diversification has bloated your brand image and has it teetering on the edge of the ridiculous.

Now your sites are set on a candidacy for the 2012 Presidential election. I don't see how you will be able to reconcile your numerous financial failures (i.e. bankruptcies and the forced sale of several major businesses) with the possibility of having the responsibility for decisions critical to our national budget. Are you trustworthy to hold those purse strings? In the business world, I understand that some risk is necessary to gather great financial reward. But if the security of 300 million Americans were in your hands, we would expect a more conservative long-term approach to decision-making.

Frankly, Mr. Trump, you need a brand makeover. I recommend:

• Focus your products and enterprises around a clear set of brand values to which a specific segment of the public can aspire.
• Eliminate the “noise” that dilutes your brand, including products that don’t fit with your brand values.
• Re-work the formula for "The Apprentice" to focus more on real business acumen.  If you don't want to give up the current version, create another one for CNBC.  It would be a great promotional vehicle for Trump University.
• Your brand revolves around your personal image.  If you are going to stay relevant, you must get rid of your contrived comb-over for a modern, age-appropriate hairstyle, and shed about 40 pounds to look more energetic.
• Try being a little more humble and a little less pompous.

I hope you understand that my comments are not personal. As you say on your show, “It’s just business”.


Laurel Haropulos Bailey
Management Consultant

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